Featured publications
Selected publication list
*denotes co-first authors; †denotes corresponding author; full publication here at Google scholar
- Chen, J.Y.H.*; Shi, Q.*; Peng, X.; Habimana, J.D.; Wang, J.; Sobolewski, W.; Yeh, A.H.-W.†. De novo luciferases enable multiplexed bioluminescence imaging. Chem, 2025, in press. | link
- Yeh, A. H.-W.*†; Norn, C.*; Kipnis, Y.; Tischer, D.; Pellock, S.; Evans, D.; Ma, P.; Lee, G.-R.; Zhang, J.Z.; Anishchenko, I.; Coventry, B.; Cao, L.; Dauparas, J.; Halabiya, S.; DeWitt, M.; Carter, L.; Houk, K. N.; Baker, D†. De novo design of luciferases using deep learning. Nature, 2023, 614, 774-780. | link
- Zhang, J.Z.*; Yeh, H.-W.*; Walls, A.C.; Wicky, B.I.M.; Sprouse, K.; VanBlargan, L.A.; Treger, R.; Quijano-Rubio, A.; Pham, M.N.; Kraft, J.C.; Haydon, I.C.; Yang, W.; DeWitt, M.; Bowen, J.; Chow, C.; Carter, L.; Wener, M.; Stewart, L.; Veesler, D.; Diamond, M.S.; Greninger A.L.; Koelle, D.M.; Baker, D. Thermodynamically coupled biosensors for detecting neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 variants. Nat. Biotechnol. 2022, 40, 1336-1340. | link
- Hunt, A. C.*; Case, J. B.*; Park, Y.-J.*; Cao, L.*; Wu, K.*; Walls, A. C.*; Liu, Z.; Bowen, J. E.; Yeh, H.-W.; Saini, S.; Helms, L.; Zhao, Y.T.; Hsiang, T.-Y.; Starr, T. N.; Goreshnik, I.; Kozodoy, L.; Carter, L.; Ravichandran, R.; Green, L. B.; Matochko, W. L.; Thomson, C. A.; Vogeli, B.; Kruger-Gericke, A.; VanBlargan, L. A.; Chen, R. E.; Ying, B.; Bailey, A. L.; Kafai, N. M.; Boyken, S.; Ljubetic, A.; Edman, N.; Ueda, G.; Chow, C.; Addetia, A.; Panpradist, N.; Gale, M.; Freedman, B.; Bloom, J. D.; Ruohola-Baker, H.; Whelan, S. P. J.; Stewart, L.; Diamond, M. S.; Veesler, D.; Jewett, M. C.; Baker, D. Multivalent designed proteins neutralize SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and confer protection against infection in mice. Sci. Transl. Med. 2022, 14, 646. Cover of the issue. | link
- Quijano-Rubio, A.*; Yeh, H.-W.*; Park, J.; Lee, H.; Langan, R. A.; Boyken, S. E.; Lajoie, M. J.; Cao, L.; Chow, C. M.; Miranda, M. C.; Wi, J.; Hong, H. J.; Stewart, L.; Oh, B.-H.; Baker, D. De novo design of modular and tunable biosensors. Nature 2021, 591, 482–487. | link
- Yeh, H.-W.; Ai, H. Development and applications of bioluminescent and chemiluminescent reporters and biosensors. Annu. Rev. Anal. Chem. 2019, 12, 129–150. Selected as the featured content of the year. | link
- Yeh, H.-W.; Xiong, Y.; Wu, T.; Chen, M.; Ai, H. ATP-independent bioluminescent reporter variants to improve in vivo imaging. ACS Chem. Biol. 2019, 14, 959–965. Cover of the issue and featured in the editorial issue. | link
- Yeh, H.-W.; Wu, T.; Chen, M.; Ai, H. Identification of factors complicating bioluminescence imaging. Biochemistry 2019, 58, 1689–1697. | link
- Yeh, H.-W.; Karmach, O.; Ji, A.; Carter, D.; Martins-Green, M. M.; Ai, H. Red-shifted luciferase-luciferin pairs enhance bioluminescence in vitro and in vivo. Nat. Methods 2017, 14, 971–974. Featured in the editor’s method to watch. | link